The Knowledge Centre Data & Society is a collaboration between 3 university research groups: imec-SMIT-VUB, CiTiP (KU Leuven) and imec-MICT-UGent. It is part of the Flemish Artificial Intelligence Plan and receives support from the Flemish government (EWI).
Coordination and Operational Lead Knowledge Centre:
Staff imec-SMIT, VUB
Staff CiTiP KU Leuven

Research Associate
Thomas Gils
AI Act, AI & Intellectual Property/Data Protection/...
Policy Prototyping

Wannes Ooms

Research Associate
Lotte Cools
Staff imec-mict-ugent

prof. dr. Tom Evens

Giulia Mazzocchi
Academic supervisors

Prof. dr. Pieter Ballon (imec-SMIT-VUB)
Co-director Knowledge Centre

Prof. dr. Jan De Bruyne (CiTiP-KU Leuven)
Co-director Knowledge Centre

Prof. dr. Tom Evens (imec-MICT-UGent)