Sven Arnauts
Senior Manager at
Senior Manager at
Projectingenieur at Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer
Head of Advisory at ML6
Hoogleraar at CLiPS research center, Universiteit Antwerpen
Postdoctoraal onderzoeker at UGent
AI researcher at Howest - Sizing Servers
Docent at KU Leuven
Senior Scientist Biostatistics at Mindcapture/ Midiagnostics
Professor criminologie en veiligheidswetenschappen at Universiteit Gent
Research Valorisation Director & Professor Semantic Intelligence at imec - UGent - IDLab
PhD onderzoeker at KU Leuven - Departement Elektrotechniek
CTO at Radix
Hoofddocent & wetenschappelijk coördinator at Universiteit Antwerpen
Client Partner at Radix
Machine Learning Engineer and Security Officer Responsible for Data Protection at Radix
Professor - Research lead at UGent, IDLab
Professor at UGent - imec IDLab - Dwengo vzw