
brAInfood: Insight into future EU legislation on data and algorithms

Date of publication: May 2023

Data sharing and the use of algorithms are high on the political agenda in Europe. This has translated itself into a wave of legislative initiatives.

Some of these initiatives, such as the European AI Act and the European Data Act, are still in the legislative process, but other initiatives have already entered into force and will soon be applied in the European Union. This applies to the Data Governance Act, the Digital Services Act, and the Digital Markets Act.

This brAInfood provides an overview of some key concepts, the potential impact of the new rules, and the obligations associated with them for the parties involved. This is done through several scenarios.

With brAInfood, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society wants to provide easily accessible information about artificial intelligence. brAInfood is available under a CC BY 4.0 license, which means that you can reuse and remix this material, provided that you credit us as the source.

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