
brAInfood: What do you think about smart technologies in your home?

Date of publication: June 2023 / Checked if updates were needed: March 2024

Smart home technologies are largely present in our households, such as robotic hoovers, smart cameras, doorbells and speakers. These technologies can support parents in their parenting, or make everyday life more efficient and sustainable. Admittedly, there are also major challenges related to privacy and control over data. Find out in this brAInfood how exactly these technologies work, how they handle your data and what this means for your privacy. The brAInfood was developed by the Knowledge Centre Data & Society, led by the research group imec-MICT-UGent.

Do you want to know more about smart home technology, and how Flemings experience it? Read this study [in Dutch] of imec-MICT-UGent and the Knowledge Centre Data & Society (publication date: February 2023).

With brAInfood, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society wants to provide easily accessible information about artificial intelligence. brAInfood is available under a CC BY 4.0 license, which means that you can reuse and remix this material, provided that you credit us as the source.

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