
brAInfood: What about cookies?

Date of publication: June 2022 / Date of updates:

When visiting a website, you have undoubtedly seen a pop-up which asks your permission to collect cookies. What exactly are cookies? For which cookies do you, as a company, need the consent of your visitors? What information do you owe your visitors? And is your cookie policy understandable?

In this brAInfood, we elaborate on these questions and we emphasise the importance of legal design to make legal information, such as a cookie policy, understandable for non-lawyers.

Content of the brAInfood

This brAInfood contains ...

  • more information about cookies and which cookies require permission;
  • some guidelines when collecting cookies;
  • more information about legal design and what it can do to make legal information clearer;
  • more information about what the Knowledge Centre Data & Society is doing on the topic of legal design.

With brAInfood, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society wants to provide easily accessible information about artificial intelligence. brAInfood is available under a CC BY 4.0 license, which means that you can reuse and remix this material, provided that you credit us as the source.