
Course: Applying ethics on the level of your organisation


For GAFA (i.e. Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon) it is increasingly important to develop a code of ethics: their engineers and developers are leaving the companies or refusing to work on projects that are not in line with their (ethical) principles. A few of those employees started the Center for Humane Technology, an organization that develops humane technology for the common good and democracy. The trend of rare profiles leaving their employers because of ethical concerns continues. To keep the much sought-after profiles, companies will need to differentiate themselves from other employers in this area.

In this course, we look at how you can conduct business in an ethical and responsible way at the corporate level and what actions are best taken to do so.

Learning objective(s) of the course

  • Gain insight into how a company can implement ethics in its daily operations;
  • Experiment with some brainstorming methods and tools that try to operationalize ethics.

What we do

A staff member of the Data & Society Knowledge Center guides you and your team in drawing up an ethics roadmap for your organisation. In an ethics roadmap you start from the values of your organisation and work out a roadmap for the development of technologies, including timing, stakeholders that need to be involved, and you also indicate where ethical checks or evaluation moments are necessary. This course is therefore rather interactive, in which the collaborator will guide you and your team through brainstorming and discussion moments.

Time and costs

Course of 3 hours, with possibility for extension in which participants test some methodologies and tools in practice.