
Webinar: General Data Protection Regulation


After following this online training, specifically for SMEs, the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) will no longer hold any secrets for you. The training is available on the Moodle platform of the Data & Society Knowledge Centre.

What you learn

The training contains:

  • A glossary to help you understand the main AVG concepts. We provide the correct legal definition and an understandable summary of each concept.
  • A self-test that checks how much you already know about the AVG. We will ask you questions about the most important principles of the AVG. It's OK if you're not familiar with the principles of the AVG. The correct answers from the test will also be available on our learning platform.
  • Information about how your company can deal with the rights of data subjects: which rights do data subjects have and which steps does your company need to take.
  • You can also find templates that your company can use when a data subject makes a request for a certain right.

Time and costs

60 min., completely free.


Follow the online course.