Workshop: Legal Design
Legal texts are not always understandable for the people who want to use them. Well-known is of course the privacy policy, cookie policy or terms of service that most of us accept without question without really knowing what it says. But also other legal products, tasks and processes can be very inaccessible if you do not speak the language of lawyers or if you are not in the network of lawyers. Legal design is a movement that tries to counteract this by using design thinking to make legal products and processes more accessible and relevant to all stakeholders.
Outcome of the workshop
- one or more prototypes for a redesigned legal text or process;
- new tools and perspectives to make legal texts and processes more accessible in the future.
Here you can read about the results of a previous workshop we organised.
What we do
A Knowledge Centre staff member will guide you and your team through the (re)design process of a legal text or process. We ask you to bring one or more use cases of your own, so that after the workshop you will have a result that can be implemented in your organisation immediately. During the workshop, we will go through the different steps of a design thinking process, from sympathising with the different users to brainstorming and creating prototypes (about which you can read more soon on our website).
Time and costs
The workshop will take one to two working days and depending on the size of the group we can work out one or more use cases. For extra budget, we can ask a professional legal designer to accompany the workshop.