AI4 Your Business (AI4growth conference)
15.03.2022 — 09:00‐13:00
What is Artificial Intelligence? What can it do for my business? And how do I implement it in my processes and organizational structure?
AI4Growth will give you the necessary insights to these questions, so that you can convert abstract theory into a concrete business case. Innovative and tech-driven companies can achieve a competitive advantage by embracing emerging AI and ML technologies. To accelerate this economic potential, the dissemination of knowledge and the growth of a local network are of strategic importance. With this mission in mind, AI4Growth will host an international conference AI 4 Your Business on March 15, 2022 to bring together AI and ML experts. Through this annual summit, we hope to put Flanders on the world map in the field of AI.
Het Kenniscentrum zal aanwezig zijn op het AI4Growth event 'AI4YourBusiness', dat doorgaat in de Sint-Pietersabdij in Gent. Wij nemen deel aan het (gratis) ochtendprogramma met een panel over AI en Ethiek, we nodigen keynote speaker Marloes Pomp (ELSA) uit, en we organiseren er een heuse Kennismarkt.
Sint-Pietersabdij, Gent