People's knowledge and perception of AI
by Thom Snaphaan, Wim Hardyns & Koen Ponnet (UGent)
Studies based on questionnaires probed to a representative sample are valuable, because they provide valid and reliable information. In this study, a representative sample of neighborhood inhabitants was questioned to provide insights into the knowledge and perception of the population regarding AI. The results suggest that knowledge about AI is not equally distributed across the population, but this inequality is not established when it comes to the perception of the use of AI by security services. Moreover, there appears to be no association between this knowledge and perception of AI.

This blog will be a chapter in the book 'Artificiële intelligentie en maatschappij’, to be published in early 2021 (editors J. De Bruyne & N. Bouteca)
The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Knowledge Center Data & Society or CiTiP. The paper aims to contribute to the existing debate on AI. Full disclaimer.