Call to Action

Policy Prototyping 2023: call for participants


The Knowledge Center Data & Society is launching a new policy prototyping project which will take a closer look at the transparency requirements in the AI Act for providers and developers of high-risk AI applications. We are looking for companies and organisations that wish to be involved in this project and experts who can support us in creating prototypes.

Policy prototyping refers to a novel way of rulemaking, comparable to product or beta testing. As opposed to traditional policymaking, where all kinds of stakeholders ‘only’ discuss rules before they enter into force, policy prototyping includes a field-testing phase of the new draft rules before finalizing and fixating them. Read more about policy prototyping here.

Policy Prototyping 2023

Our next project will focus on the EU AI Act's transparency requirements. More precisely, it concerns:

  • Transparency of high-risk AI systems (art. 13 AIA)
  • Transparency of certain AI systems/output (art. 52 AIA) (including interactive AI systems, emotion recognition and biometric categorization and synthetic media)

In the course of this project, we aim to:

  • Examine the envisaged transparency requirements in detail
  • Create operational guidance that includes prototype instructions of use for AI systems (which need to include e.g. information regarding the level of accuracy, robustness and cybersecurity.)
  • Gather feedback on these transparency requirements and their applicability

Miniature figurines of men and women gathered around a table and flip charts in a modern meeting room, occupied with creating a policy prototype, digital art

Call for Participants

To do this, we plan to organise several meetings/co-creation workshops during May and June 2023. The workshops will have different objectives, which we will communicate to the participants.

The Knowledge Center is looking for:

Interested stakeholders/parties

  • Companies using or developing AI, (end) users, civil society, advisors,…
  • Function: test panel & sounding board

Participants will be able to test their AI application against the prototype(s) that will be developed during this project. End users can assess if the information provided suffices their needs. Subsequently, they will be able to provide personal feedback on the prototype and, if any, the practical feasibility of the AI Act's transparency requirements. The Knowledge Centre will use the aggregated feedback when providing advice and insights regarding the AI Act to policymakers and stakeholders.


  • Experts with (practical) experience/expertise in facilitating transparency in a technological context
  • Function: co-create and develop prototypes

Experts will help shape prototypes of the transparency requirements by providing input during workshops and, by the final outcome, weigh in on the debate on the AI Act. Through participation, they will have the opportunity to engage with interested stakeholders/parties and improve their skills.

Are you interested in participating or wish to obtain more info?

Please reach out to and