The Council of Europe’s AI Convention: Some Reflections and (Future) Perspectives | Webinar
26.03.2025 — 17:00‐18:30
The Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law is a global legally binding instrument designed to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) upholds common standards in human rights, democracy and the rule of law. It also aims to minimise the risk of those rights and principles being undermined as a result of the use of AI. The Convention has been adopted in 2024 along the AI Act at the European Union (EU) level.
In this webinar, several experts will take a deep dive into the ‘making of’ of the Convention, its main provisions, its effectiveness, interactions with the AI Act, remaining challenges e.g. for the judiciary, future perspectives, … Once the speakers gave their view on different facets of the AI Convention, a panel discussion and interaction/Q&A with the audience will follow.
Keynote speakers:
- Jan Kleijssen, former Director of Council of Europe Information Society – Action Against Crime, Member Advisory Board ALLAI, independent consultant
- Martin Ebers, professor IT Law Tartu University, presidents RAILS
- Federica Paolucci, postdoctoral research fellow DigCon project Bocconi University, PhD candidate in Constitutional Law at Bocconi University
- Victoria Hendrickx, doctoral researcher at KU Leuven’s Centre for IT and IP Law
- Jan De Bruyne, professor IT Law KU Leuven, Head of Centre for IT & IP Law