Tag: AI verordening

South Korea - South Korean Basic AI Act
South Korea - South Korean Basic AI Act

At the end of December 2024, South Korea published its Basic Act on the Development of Artificial Intelligence and the Establishment of Trust. South Korean lawmakers clearly took their cue from the EU AI Act, although there are also differences prompted by specific South Korean needs.

Netherlands - Dutch Authorities publish final advice on AI Authorities
Netherlands - Dutch Authorities publish final advice on AI Authorities

In November 2024, the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure (“Rijksdienst Digitale Infrastructuur”) and the Dutch Data Protection Authority (“Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens”) published their final joint advice on the supervision of AI systems under the AI Act in the Netherlands.

Policy brief: Implementing the AI Act in Belgium - Scope of Application and Authorities
Policy brief: Implementing the AI Act in Belgium - Scope of Application and Authorities

In this policy brief we provide an overview of the scope of application of the AI Act, especially exemptions to the scope where national legislators may still (wish to) act. Additionally, we discuss the different authorities that Belgium must designate or establish under the AI Act and consider which Belgian authorities may be suited to fulfil this role.

Call for Participation: feedback session on 'Policy Prototyping the AI Act: Human Oversight' Project
Call for Participation: feedback session on 'Policy Prototyping the AI Act: Human Oversight' Project

The Knowledge Centre is looking for candidates to give feedback on prototypes of the human oversight measures in the AI Act

Policy Prototyping the AI Act: human oversight - workshop report
Policy Prototyping the AI Act: human oversight - workshop report

The Knowledge Centre organized a workshop on 4 September to kick off its next policy prototyping project. This year the focus of the project is on human oversight under the AI Act.

Policy Prototyping the AI Act: Transparency requirements – workshop report
Policy Prototyping the AI Act: Transparency requirements – workshop report

The Knowledge Centre organized a workshop on 21 June to officially kick off its 'Policy Prototyping the AI Act: Transparency Requirements' project.

Council of the EU - Compromise Text AI Act
Council of the EU - Compromise Text AI Act

The new compromise text of the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) by the Council of the EU has been published. The text, presented by the Czech presidency, follows and builds on the previous (partial) compromises under Slovenian and French presidencies

Policy Prototyping the AI Act: A checklist to see if the forbidden and high risk categories make sense
Policy Prototyping the AI Act: A checklist to see if the forbidden and high risk categories make sense