Data-date Legal Tech - what's the story?
19.04.2022 — 14:00‐16:00
Society as a whole and business in particular is rapidly digitizing, an evolution that is also applicable to the legal profession. Legal tech helps to manage this digital transition and tries to facilitate internal processes and improve efficiency. The solutions are software based and may apply artificial intelligence. Legal tech is not only used in supporting services such as billing and accounting, but also in legal core tasks, for instance legal research and case or contract management.
According to Kluwer there were 55 legal tech companies in 2019 in Belgium and this number was doubled in 2020. Their legal map shows the companies and the domains they work in.
Join us on Tuesday 19 April from 14h until 16h in Leuven or online
Keynote speakers
- Genevieve Vanderstichele (Judge Court of Appeal Ghent and academic researcher CiTiP and University of Oxford)
- Annelies Vanderhoydonks (Product Owner Automatic advice & Documentation service - Digitaal Vlaanderen)
- Jan Sap (CEO Fednot)
- Senne Mennes (co-Founder Clausebase)
Aula Emma Vorlat (Agora KULeuven) & online
Adres: Leercentrum AGORA (114-01) Edward Van Evenstraat 4 , 3000 Leuven
In this Data-Date we will explore the Legal tech landscape in Flanders and we will address questions such as:
- Where do we stand in Flanders with Legal tech?
- Are companies, courts, sectors and authorities already using legal tech? Who are they?
- What are the benefits and challenges?
- What are the (legal and social) obstacles?