Category: technical robustness and safety

Tool: AI Assessment Tool
Tool: AI Assessment Tool

This open-source AI assessment tool from AI4Belgium, based on the European Commission's ALTAI questionnaire, can help you make your AI system more transparent, robust and trustworthy

Tool: AI Blindspots healthcare
Tool: AI Blindspots healthcare

How can you avoid replicating societal biases, prejudices and structural disparities in your AI healthcare system? In order to help you do this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society developed the AI Blindspots healthcare card set.

Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - planning phase - kopie
Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - planning phase - kopie

How can you take into account possible prejudices and structural inequalities before, during and after the development of your AI application? In order to help you do this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society developed the AI Blindspots card set.

Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - development phase - kopie
Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - development phase - kopie

How can you take into account possible prejudices and structural inequalities before, during and after the development of your AI application? In order to help you do this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society developed the AI Blindspots card set.

Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0
Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0

How can you take into account possible prejudices and structural inequalities before, during and after the development of your AI application? In order to help you do this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society developed the AI Blindspots card set.

Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - planning phase
Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - planning phase

How can you take into account possible prejudices and structural inequalities before, during and after the development of your AI application? In order to help you do this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society developed the AI Blindspots card set.

Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - development phase
Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - development phase

How can you take into account possible prejudices and structural inequalities before, during and after the development of your AI application? In order to help you do this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society developed the AI Blindspots card set.

Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - implementation phase
Tool: AI Blindspots 2.0 - implementation phase

How can you take into account possible prejudices and structural inequalities before, during and after the development of your AI application? In order to help you do this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society developed the AI Blindspots card set.

Tool: Dynamics of AI Principles
Tool: Dynamics of AI Principles

The AI Ethics Lab has developed a toolbox that gives an overview of the different existing sets of principles that you can integrate and/or evaluate in your AI system.

Tool: Ethics Inc., a design game for ethical AI
Tool: Ethics Inc., a design game for ethical AI

In the cooperative card game Ethics Inc. you design ethically responsible AI applications together.

Tool: Guidance Ethics
Tool: Guidance Ethics

The approach to guidance ethics aims to start the dialogue about the connection between ethics and technology through a workshop.

Tool: Artificial Intelligence Impact Assessment (AIIA)
Tool: Artificial Intelligence Impact Assessment (AIIA)

The Artificial Intelligence Impact Assessment (AIIA) is a structured method to clearly identify the (social) benefits of an AI system application. In addition, attention is also paid to analysing the reliability, safety and transparency of the AI system.

Tool: AI Maturity Tool
Tool: AI Maturity Tool

The AI Maturity Tool is intended to find out to what extent your organization is ready to get started with AI.

Tool: Building an Algorithm Tool
Tool: Building an Algorithm Tool

With the Building an Algorithm Tool you ask ethical questions during the entire AI process: the design, development, test phase and implementation of the AI application.

Tool: Ethics framework van Machine Intelligence Garage
Tool: Ethics framework van Machine Intelligence Garage

The Ethics framework of Machine Intelligence Garage consists of seven principles, each with a set of questions that can lead to a better understanding of how to deal with ethics in your design.

Tool: Responsible AI Diagnostic
Tool: Responsible AI Diagnostic

This tool is a self-assessment based on a questionnaire. This can help determine if your company is ready to build a robust, secure and ethical AI solution.
