Tag: 3 - beleidsoriëntatie

United States of America - NIST AI Risk Management Framework
United States of America - NIST AI Risk Management Framework

To improve the identification and mitigation of risks concerning AI, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology introduced a Framework on the risk management of artificial intelligence.

United Kingdom – The roadmap to an effective AI assurance ecosystem
United Kingdom – The roadmap to an effective AI assurance ecosystem

the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) published a roadmap in December 2021 which lists the steps necessary to establish a leading UK ecosystem of tools and services in order to ensure trust in AI.

France – Second phase of the national AI-strategy
France – Second phase of the national AI-strategy

In the second phase of the implementation of the national French AI-strategy, the focus will be on AI-related skills and the integration of AI in the economy.

United Kingdom – National AI-strategy
United Kingdom – National AI-strategy

The British AI-strategy rests on three pillars and focuses on long term plans.

Hong Kong - PCPD richtlijnen met betrekking tot ontwikkeling en gebruik van AI
Hong Kong - PCPD richtlijnen met betrekking tot ontwikkeling en gebruik van AI

Richtsnoeren die organisaties helpen inzicht te krijgen in en te voldoen aan de toepasselijke voorschriften met betrekking tot privacy en gegevensbescherming.

Duitsland – De datastrategie van de Duitse federale overheid
Duitsland – De datastrategie van de Duitse federale overheid

De Duitse federale overheid publiceerde een omvattende datastrategie

The Netherlands– The Dutch Digitisation Strategy 2021
The Netherlands– The Dutch Digitisation Strategy 2021

A short discussion of the Dutch digitisation strategy.

Verenigd Koninkrijk – Government response to the call for views on artificial intelligence and intellectual property
Verenigd Koninkrijk – Government response to the call for views on artificial intelligence and intellectual property

De Britse regering heeft enkele beleidsvoorstellen op het vlak van intellectuele eigendom en AI gepubliceerd

European Commission – 2030  Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade
European Commission – 2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade

The 2030 Digital Compass will pursue a human-centric, sustainable vision for digital society throughout the next decade to empower citizens and businesses

Flemish Government – Flemish policy plan AI
Flemish Government – Flemish policy plan AI

The policy plan contains the overall vision of the Flemish Government in the field of AI
