First aid in choosing a course, lecture or workshop

On this page, we list our suggestions for our courses, lectures, and workshops for you. This will give you a better idea of which training course, lecture or workshop to choose. We divided our offer into 3 categories:

  • General & Introductory: introductory courses, lectures, and workshops on data and AI.
  • Specific & Targeted: courses, lectures, and workshops that go deeper into a specific theme such as the AVG.
  • Concrete & Practical: courses, lectures, and workshops based on your concrete data or AI application.

General & Introductory

Are you looking for presentations or courses that introduce important aspects of data and artificial intelligence? Then we recommend these courses, lectures, or workshops:

  • Lecture: What is AI and why are ethics and law important in it, with a focus on what AI is and why AI is of social importance.
  • Course: AI and Law, where you get an overview of the existing legislation around data and AI, and what changes in legislation are on the agenda.
  • Lecture: Innovation, Data & Privacy, a jump into different privacy dilemmas and challenges for collecting and using data.
  • {Only for SMEs} Webinar: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with a glossary, a self-test on key AVG principles and how to address data subjects' rights (including templates).
  • Workshop: Exploring your boundaries with regard to AI, an interactive conversation with your team or your target group about the boundaries of AI: where AI can or cannot be implemented. This workshop can be seen as a conversation starter on AI in society, which can be followed by a more in-depth workshop, lecture, or training.

Specific & Targeted

Do you already have a good idea of the most important social, ethical and legal aspects involved in the development and use of data and AI applications? And do you want to go more in-depth? Then we recommend these courses, lectures, or workshops:

Concrete & Practical

Are you developing a data or AI system soon, or considering implementing a new data or AI system in your existing operation? Then you might want to check out the challenges and specifications of this particular application. If so, we recommend our following offerings:

  • Workshop: Assessing the accessibility of your digital service, where you identify the inclusion, data, or media literacy challenges of the application and look for solutions.

  • Workshop: Identifying AI Blindspots, where you identify the ethical, legal, and social challenges and biases in your application. In the end, you will know what to consider and how to address the challenges.

  • DIY workshop: Identifying AI Blindspots in a healthcare context, a ready-made script so you can run your own workshop identifying the ethical, legal, and societal challenges and biases in your healthcare application. This script has been developed with a view to a data or AI application for the care sector, but can also be used for a test of other data or AI applications.

  • Workshop: Ethical innovation, about determining and executing moments of reflection in the innovation process of your application.

  • Workshop: Human-Centered Explainable AI, with the goal of developing concrete ideas to make your application explainable and transparent.